First we stopped by Andy's
His pillow
Yes, they are trying to eat them
Oh, look what we left all over...oops :P
Then it was off to Joe
Next stop, Zane's
Sleep well
Wear those!
Yeah, she kissed it
¡nadie toca!
Our planned last stop, but it changed, was where all these guys were practicing because they are all in the band The Day
Tyler, was unlucky. He happened to be there. So we put some eggs in his truck and then went and did his front porch:
This was the biggest job we ever pulled.
And it is a grand finally of sorts.
Maybe one day we will do more together, but for now we will be taking a break (on pranking together).
If we have angered you, we apologize and hope ill feelings against us will not be kept.
We love you guys (that's why we pranked you).
So long Foxy Chalkers...
>Zahina, peacin' out<