

Back in March a plan was made. When the Easter eggs went on sale, we would buy a ton, and then use them for a prank. This is what we did last night.

First we stopped by Andy's :
His pillow

Yes, they are trying to eat them

Oh, look what we left all over...oops :P

Then it was off to Joe and Luke's rooms... Sorry, we were lame and in a rush. There are no pictures. But they will be finding them a while. Like, until they move all of their stuff out of their parent's house.

Next stop, Zane's room:
Sleep well

Wear those!

Yeah, she kissed it

¡nadie toca!

Our planned last stop, but it changed, was where all these guys were practicing because they are all in the band The Day . Again, we did not get pictures, but this time it was because Joe came out and we all [Zea, Martha (she joined us) and I (Zahina)] had to make a run for it. Before he came out, saran, TP, and lots of eggs were used. Really, we were almost done. Just did not get to take pictures.

Tyler, was unlucky. He happened to be there. So we put some eggs in his truck and then went and did his front porch:

This was the biggest job we ever pulled.

And it is a grand finally of sorts.

Maybe one day we will do more together, but for now we will be taking a break (on pranking together).

If we have angered you, we apologize and hope ill feelings against us will not be kept.

We love you guys (that's why we pranked you).

So long Foxy Chalkers...

>Zahina, peacin' out<


Not dead

So... we have not really posted much. Partly because of my [Zahina] having surgery and being gone on a trip and then Zea being gone on a trip. But we have done a few things, or tried to, since our last real post.

Like I got Zea (with some help ) but sadly forgot to take pictures... I know... not cool.

And she got me back... trust me... she got me back....

'nough said

Then we also did Nick's truck:

And forked Joe , Luke, and Sarah's yard:

Thus, the blog may have been quiet, but we were not sitting on our hands.

| Zahina |